Sunday, February 3, 2013

My Poem for Lost Soul

Time engulfed moments of serenity and replaced it with placid dream..
Never imagined life would be like painting in wall
beautifully made, quiet and lonely.

As time goes by, the painter blurs its memory, forgets how it felt the first time he started it...Full of inspiration.
Its just a painting that whenever you look at you remember something, something once familiar but vague.

There is something about life that makes you learn even if you dont want to.. 
It gives you trials and full of sufferings.
It pushes you to state of sadness, euphoria and madness.
It even makes you want to take your own life.
Makes you feel unimportant, like there is nothing more instore for you.
Something that's hard to fathom.
And so you cry.
You shout for help.
No one hears you...
And its sad.
Its sad you know, 
living in a lonely world.

Maybe the One God is so busy with others happiness, leaving you behind. Forgetting about his old paintings soaking in the rain until it turns into paper mache...

Its never getting easy, but harder and harder each day...
You smile, like you accept that tomorrow's hell day again.
And you live your dream in a painting that's cold like dead.
That's how you get so miserable.
When painting has lost its vibrancy, its worth and worst it has no meaning at all...

You're alive but you're dead inside.

Today is Feb 9 2013, 
I posted this last Feb3. 
I really have to get back on this blog,
as I reread it there's something I realized...
That a painting increase its worth as time goes by...
And so you see my friend, you may be lost soul but
you gain a lot through experience
each day you live
is a life worth living
a gift from God
a chance to be born again
and all the days of your life
is waiting to unfold
the happiness you are yearning
is in your hand
and yes I believe 
it is a matter of choice.
so you see
work hard for your happiness
because more often
as the saying goes,
best gift comes in disguise
it maybe wrapped clumsily 
but it's up to you to try
open it
take the risk
if it is not a bomb you're lucky haha
Take the risk,
you may never know 
what's best instore for you
so keep moving forward
God knows you are on the right track.
Keep the fire burning you lost soul..
You will be found one day...

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