Wednesday, November 28, 2012


If there is no one
I will set foot to unknown.

It has been too long
before I realize that
It is better to not have
than to have but sad

If there is no one
I will remain standing in the light
that even my shadow is enlighten

For past is past
And let love lost set free
with forgiveness and gratitude.
To hope and open new doors.
To love 
and be love again.

If there is no one
My heart will grow fonder each day
My faith stronger
And lessons are learned
to not repeat the history
of broken heart but
still willing to try and make things work
and learn to fight when the right one comes along.

It has always been my dream
to travel the world
see places and meet people

If there is no one
I will carry my mom&dad or
my sisters or
my friends or
maybe all of them
to roam the world.

I know
In my heart
what I want
what I care for
what I long for
what I live for
what I believe
what I love
for infinity and beyond.

If there is no one
then there is more.
More to life.
More to love.
More to give.

This is my stand.


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