The last time we met was the time I finally come to terms with the real you.
Yes, I know who you are the moment you spoke, the first date we had. I KNEW YOU.
I ignore every fucking red flags and gave in to few good(well fake) things about you.
After nine years, having fully known the depth of narcissism I finally broken down the code. It was love bombing(showering of gifts I dont even want), hoovering (back and forth, on and off), future faking, mirroring (acting like me, just to make me like you), triangulation ( there's always a third party involved in every conversation that should have only been us to resolve in the first place), word salad (for every conversation turned argument with no resolution, you are only getting my reaction and anger nothing is resolved), pathological liar (ofcourse mutiple cheating), new supply (ofcourse Jelly Ann, new supply. new shiny toy.)
This last months were rough, Im like in the brink of something. Like shadow cast in my way.
Im at a lost for words, why the hell are you not conversational? Damn 1 month after you flew you found the new supply, thats why. Making us look stupid when we visited Macau.
Uneducated me just cried and pitied myself obvioulsy. Until he went back to "fix" (the house not us) whatever. The new supply has thick face to even add me once again (for a millionth time) in instagram so I called her. Just to be blown by her news that the Narc is living with him, still. Infact for solid one year.
Lost for words, I just talked to this new supply and the triangular LOL the new supply's mother.(is this called supplier? LOL) Just how they do the conversation shocked me to the core, like hey theyre like family mentioning about the new supply work ethic (as if it makes sense to me), like the use of money (im lost again), BUT WHERE IS THE RESPECT GURL? Thats the time I realized, theres no sense to 3 way call these ignoramus. Im not getting anything, they are fighting over and me im just using the phone to fix my hair and eye lashes. Funny though, I felt numb and pathetic and I care less. These monkeys just a waste of my precious time.
So then the Narc said he chose us, the family. But I dont I care, I dont believe they are all monkeys.
What I did was, broke up with him. After that I learned about a lot using his fucked up phone.
All hell break loose mother fucker, like way back my eldest was born the cheating has gone mad.
And the triangulation, gone far and deep like I dont know these people but the Narc talking to them like mother and sisters. Like Damn that close where you can say to me in video call is hi hello bye.
Damn his brain is poluted, I thought he was just busy working doing his thing and sleep like a baby afterwarsdbut nah a lot of dark side of him I saw. One hell of a different person emerged. Cant help but be disgusted.
I saw him, crystal clear. I said my goodbye while he held my hand and cried on demand(crocodile tears). Then we closed the door all I can say is "bombs away!" LOL
Then I learned about Narc. Damn, I wouldnt waste a tear (even crocodile tear) for this NARC.
What an A-HOLE all of them HAHA
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