Thursday, February 21, 2013

For the Good

As life progress things get difficult and hard to understand. There are lots of changes.
People I love come and go. Places I've been to are becoming vague memories of my past. Some friends, colleagues and foes were simply forgotten. 
You know what I realized?
That among all these only problem is persistent. 
It is always there, like twin soul.
Since it's persistent, it never left my side.
It goes away for the meantime though... 

So how about...

Be the same as my problem...
Not that I am going to be a problem (but yeah sometimes)
Instead I
Accept problem and try to work around it.
Look back and realize that I have come this far from nothing to somebody, so never back out.
Do not fail, be persistent to find ways to solve.
Always have time to think, how on earth did this problem occurred?
Get to the bottom of it and act accordingly.
If my problem has solution, then maybe the problem is just me, just thinking nonsense.
Justify the reason of the problem, never run away.
Take the leap, challenge and project dreams to a better tomorrow.
Stay for awhile, try to experience every aspect of it. 
Embrace the problem sure you'll get the the solution one day.
And when
It goes away for the meantime,
carpe diem, as they say... SEIZE THE DAY!

Remember - there is far more greater reason of problem - and it is always for the good.
And All that is difficult, all that is hard to earn, all that makes me cry and just want to die, are the ones that has greater risk and the most important experience ever. All that's easy are easily forgotten and neglected - and the rest are worthy. The deeper the scar, the more it becomes visible, the more it defines me as a person.

Like I said to God, I may not be his best soldier, but I'm persistent.

IF this is what it takes to get in, then bring the hell on earth and I'll do the rest. So help me God... 

"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger..."


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