Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ponder on The Great Gatsby

Great Gatsby - if it wasnt for the mist we can see your house accross the bay, there's always a greenlight that shines brightly at the end of your dock..

If you look at the "end" there might be two sides of the coin:

1.) If you are looking at the end goal, then you become optimistic.
2.) If you are looking at the end result, then you must be missing what lies your way.

The point is, you are never sure if you are going to make it. If you are going to get what you want. If things will turn out the way you wanted them to be. Dont lose sight of what surrounds you, dont lose faith. Hold your dreams, aspiration, perseverance, happiness and faith to the finish line. And if you fail, have no regrets. Because after all it's the journey you earn, so make sure as hell you enjoyed the ride.
Have a life that's well lived. Live a little! Chill and be happy :)


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